Wednesday, 18 February 2015

What is cultural studies? And Production and Consumption of Cultural Studies.

Name : Makwana Ankita m.
Presentation Topic: 
Q.1 what is cultural studies? And Production and Consumption of Cultural Studies.
Paper No :8.
Roll No :2.
Year :2013-14.
Semester: 2.
Guidance: Dilip Barad and  Heenaba Zala

Q.1 what is cultural studies? And Production and Consumption of Cultural Studies.
vVarious meaning of culture.
Ø ‘Culture’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Cultura ’.
Ø ‘It also meant to honour and protect.
Ø Culture is symbol of communication.
Ø By the nineteenth century in Europe it means the habits and custom.
Ø Culture is the system of knowledge.

v What ‘culture’ means in cultural studies.

Ø It means the mode of generating meaning and ideas.
Ø Meanings are governed by power and relations.
Ø According to the Arnold…..

“Culture is the great help out of our present difficulties:
Culture being a persuite of our total perfection by means
Of getting to know, on all the matters which more concern us, the best which has being thought and said
In the world : and through this knowledge turning a stream of fresh and free thought upon our stock nations and habits, which we follow stiunchely but mechanically…”

Ø 3cs of cultural study…

v Birth of Cultural Studies.

Ø Cultural Studies established in the Birmingham Richard Hoggart first director of Birmingham.(BCCCS-The Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies)
Ø Raymond Williams and Richard Hoggart both are friend.
Ø It is not published metropolitan but in England. Birmingham centre not central for contemporary not canonical.
v Birth of Cultural Studies.

Ø Cultural Studies established in the Birmingham Richard Hoggart first director of Birmingham.(BCCCS-The Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies)
Ø Raymond Williams and Richard Hoggart both are friend.
Ø It is not published metropolitan but in England. Birmingham centre not central for contemporary not canonical.
Ø Not culture but cultural.
Ø What is the Signifying aspect of Culture?
Culture is flow always temporary goes on changing.plural discourse plurality, multiple aspects.
Ø Raymond Williams.
Ø He say that…
Ø Culture is timeless / ideal
Ø Culture is documentary.
Ø Social that becomes apparent day to day’s life.
Ø According to the Andrew Milner…

“Contemporary cultural studies has emerged from out of literary studies essentially by wav of a very simple move; by shifting attention from an exclusive focus on the canon of high literary text to an, in principle, inclusive focus on all cultural texts”.
Ø Raymond Williams himself in his essay…
“The future of cultural studies”
Ø Has defined the strength of this discipline in its refusal to give priority either to art or the society but engaging with both the intellectual / artistic project and its formative processes.
Ø In 1958, Williams wrote an essay title…
“ Culture is Ordinary ”
Ø He say that….

“ Cultured is Ordinary; that is the first fact we use the ward culture in these two senses; to mean a whole way of life the
The common meaning; to mean the arts and learning the special processes of discovery and creative effort some writers reserve the word for one or other of these senses;  insit on both , and on the significance of their conjuction ”

v Birmingham Centre for Cotemporary Cultural Studies and Stuart Hall.

Ø Between 1982 and 1987 the Open University offered a one year interdisciplinary course, ‘U203’. This U203 was a course on ‘ Popular Culture ’.This course was directed by Terry Eagleton and also Raymand Williams.
Ø U203 had two main assumption about text and reader and position like….
1.Position is defind in terms of content of tastes, values.

2.Position is also the process by which the signifier and signified(meaning and concept).

Stuart Hall’s wrote essay title’s ‘ Cultural Studies ’
Ø Subject and expression are both determined by structure of social signification structure is ‘ hegemony ’.
Hall’s early essay ‘ Encoding and Decoding ’ first published in 1973 and set the scene for cultural studies of the media. This essay argued that meaning within texts- songs, painting , and television soap- are organized through the aperation of ‘ certain codes ’.
Hall uses the examples of television news to illustrate.Television is one of the most and also best example of news.Hall’s also said that the message form is the form of appearances of the event.

  • Culture seems to be divided into two aspects...
  • 1. Material aspect of society.
    2. Quantifiel aspect of society.
    Ø Religion is part of our value system.
    Ø Cultural studies include mass or popular culture

  • Ø Distinction between the mass and popular culture. Popular culture deals with Educated.  Mass culture deal with Uneducated. Popular culture depends upon post-modernity. Popular culture is the culture of masses.
    Ø Forms of popular culture.
    Ø Popular culture as opposed to classical music. Mass cinema as opposed to ‘Art cinema’.
    vThe production and Consumption of Cultural Studies.
    Ø The Production and Consumption both are important part of culture. Cultural studies also believes that the ‘Culture of a Community’ and also includes various aspects like…economics, ideological , erotic and political. Culture is not natural thing it is produced. A cultural study is interested in the production and consumption of culture.
    Ø The production and consumption of culture is liked to 3 types…..
    1. Matter of class.
    2. Matter of economy.
    3. Matter of representation.
    Ø These 3 types played important part in cultural studies. The production and consumption of culture is also linked to Power and Identity. The production and consumption of artifacts defines one’s identity.
    Ø Culture is a product that is….
    vPower and / Culture.
    Ø Cultural studies address several questions like…..
    Ø Why is Agatha Christie not studied in English Department when most of people read Christie rather than Tomas Hardy?
    Ø How does walking through the city streets become significant as a practice?
    Ø All these questions suggest a connection between culture and power. Culture is therefore about power. Cultural studies , as we known is about power and studies how power inform all acts of cultural production and meaning generation.
    Ø According to Raymond Williams….

    “Our description of our experience comes to compose a network of relationship, all our communication systems, including the arts are literally parts of our social organization…….”
    Ø Studying society is about culture, and not only about economics or politics. Communication creates community. Culture is the sharing of meaning. Culture studies also speak about ‘meaning’ and is ‘representation ’.Representation includes the word and sign and its concept and meaning.’meaning’ are processes of language.
    Ø Word + concept behind the word = meaning
    Ø Word, concept, meaning and , context = representation
    Ø Location of culture(1997)
    Ø According to Homibhabha…..

    “It is the trape of our times to locate the question of culture in the realm of the beyond. At the century’s age , we are less excised by annihilation the death of the author or epiphanies’ the birth of survival by a fenebrarus sense of survival, living on the border line of the ‘ Present’…”
    Ø Cultural studies also analysise from various disciples like… studies, popular culture, audience culture etc…The se all are like to institutions, the market, consumer and regulatory bodies. a text is finally related to and read within a larger cultural text. Cultural studies believes that experience and also makes the connections between different structures in society.

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