Thursday, 12 February 2015

Terms of Criticism

Topic :What is Criticism and term of criticis.
Name : Makwana Ankita M.
Roll no : 2.
Paper No : 3.(Literary Theory and Criticism).
Semester : 1.
Year : 2013-14.
Submitted To : Dr.Dilip barad and Heeneba Zala.
                Criticism means……
                        “ Criticism is a branch of study concerned    with defining,
                Classifying ,expounding and evaluating  work of literature”.

                ‘To Criticize’,etymologically, means ‘To Analyze’, amd latter ‘To Judge’. Critical theory too should be distinguished from criticism.Since itself with theanalysis of conceptsbrather than works.It is a philosophical activitybwhich should underlie criticism but again,should not be regarded as part of it.’extrim Criticism’ has been used for that criticism which relies heavily on information drawn from outside the literary work, and is contrasted with an ‘Intric Criticism’ which does not.
·        The earliest great work of ‘Theoratical Criticism’ was Aristotle poetics recent influential books in English are I.A Richards
     ‘Principal of Literary criticism’
·      Types of Criticism.
          There are many types of criticism like…
       1).Pragmatic Criticism.
        Pragmatic criticism is concerned first leading, with ethical impact any literary text has upon an audience.It believe that art.The works as something which is constructed in order to achieve certain effect on the audience.
   2).Expressive Criticism.
            Expressive criticism treats a literary work primarily in relation to the authore .  It defined poetry as an e expressive or overflow , or utterance of feelings recollected in tranquility is taken as the ground idea of the expressive theory of art.
3).Objective Criticism.
              Objective Criticism approaches the work as something which stands free from poet ,audience ,and the evniroment world .It describes the literary products a self enough object or as a analysed and as difficulty ,coherence in tegrity and the interrelation of it’s part element.
4).Mimetic Criticism.
                           ‘Mimetic’ is derived from the Greek word ‘Imitation’ .’Mimetic’ means creative copy.Mimetic criticism views the literary work as a imitation or reflection or representation of the world and human life and the primarily criterion applied to a work is that of the ‘truth’ of its representation to the subjects it representation, or should represents.
5)Practical Criticism or Applied Criticism.
                         Practical Criticism or Applied Criticism concerns itself with the discussion of particular works and writers.
For Example….
Among the most more influential work of Applied criticism
In England and America are the literary essay of Dryden in the Restoration.
                      ‘Lives of The Poet’.
6).Impressionistic Criticism.
                             Impressionistic Criticism means personal impression.Impressionistic Criticism attempts to represent inWords the felt qualities of a particular work and to express the attitude and feelingful responses ,the impression, that the work directly evokes from the critic.
For Example…. 
      On William Hazlit put it in his essay….
           “On Genius and Common Sense”.
7).Judicial Criticism.
                                 Judicial Criticism on the other hand not merely to communicate bu to analyzed and explain the eefect of a work by reference to it’s subject.
·       Conclusion.
          In short, Criticism means ‘ To Analyse ’ , ‘To criticize ’, and ‘ To Judge ’.various types of criticism performed different way. 

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