Wednesday, 18 February 2015

what is Archetypal? Examples…

Name : Makwana Ankita m.
Presentation Topic: what is Archetypal? Examples…
Paper No :7.
Roll No :2.
Year :2013-14.
Semester: 2.
Guidance: Dilip Barad and  Heenaba Zala
 Q.1 what is Archetypal Criticism? Examples.
vVarious definition of archetypal.
Ø Archetypal means images and symbols are representing in literature its called archetypal.
Ø Archetypal can refer to a constantly recurring symbol or motif in literature, painting or mythology.
Ø Archetypal Criticism is one type of critical theory.
Ø “ A kind of literary anthropology ”-by Frye
Ø As a literary Anthropologist, he relates narrative to the creation of rituals, imagery rhyme to nature cycle.
v In dictionary meaning
Ø A typical idea.
v What is Northrop Frye’s contribution to the archetypal criticism?
Ø The major work of Frye’s to deal with archetypal is Anatomy of Criticism.
Ø Frye’s work breaks from both Frazer and Jung in such a way it is distinct from its anthropological and psychoanalytical precursors.
Ø There are two basic categories in Frye’s framework…
Ø And also each category is further subdivided into two categories.

Ø Frye also uses the seasons in his archetypal schema and each season aligned with a literary genre.

1.   Spring.
Ø Comedy is aligned with spring because the genre of comedy is characterized by the birth of the hero and spring is also symbolizes
the defeat of winter and darkness.
2.   Summer.
Ø Romance is aligned with summer because summer is the
Culmination of life in the seasonal Calender.

3.   Autumn.
Ø Tragedy is aligned with autumn because autumn is the
dying stage of the seasonal calender and also known
For the “ fall ” or demise of the protagonist.
4.   Winter.
Ø Satire is aligned with winter satire is a “ dark ” genre.
Satire is a disillusioned and mocking form of three other genre.
Ø Frye’s outlines five different spheres in his chema…
Ø Human, animal, vegetation, mineral and water.
1.   Human
Ø Human world is representative of wish-fulfillment and being community centered.

2.   Animal
Ø Animals in the comedic genres are docile and pastoral.
Ø For example…Sheep
3.   Vegetation
Ø Vegetation is also represented by gardens, parks, roses and lotuses.
4.   Mineral
Ø Cities and temples both are represent the comedic mineral realm.
5.   Water.
Ø The water realm is represented by rivers in the comedic. Water is the symbol of life.
v  Myth
Ø The myth is central informing power that gives archetypal significance to the ritual and archetypal narratives to the
Ø Here describes many phases related to the myth like...
1). The down, spring and birth phase.
Myths of the birth of the hero. And also myth of season.Subordinate characters like…
The father and mother.

2).The zenith, summer and marriage phase.
Myth of the sacred marriage and at entering into paradice.
Myth of zenith.

3). The sunset, autumn and death phase.
Myths of the fall of the dying God, myths of sacrifice and death of hero and also myhths of dying stage of season.

4). The darkness, winter and dissolution phase.
Myths of foods and the defeat of the hero.
Myths of the triumph of these powers.

Ø Frye’s asserted literature turn out to play an essential role in refashioning the impersonal material universe into an alternative verbal universe that is intelligible and viable, because it is adapted to universal human needs and concern.
Ø Frye’s archetypal criticism faces with more contemporary literature, that of post-modernism in general.
Ø Frye admits that his schema in “ The archetypal of Literature ” is simplistic.
v Various examples of archetypal in literature.
Ø Archetypal fall into two categories.
1)   Characters and 2). Situations / symbols.
“ The Golden Compas “ is one of the best example of archetypal.
v Characters.
     1.The hero.
Ø Hero is a one kind of a traps, picaresque and also doing something.
For Examples….Hamlet, Macbeth.
2.The outcast.
Ø Her or she has been cast out of Soiety and also be considered as achrist figure.
For Examples…Pandvas, Rosalind in “ As You Like it “
Ø Simon From William Golding’s
Ø “ The Lord of The Flies “.
                 3.The Scapegoat.
Ø Sometimes he / she goes wrong the test of protagonist and the he prove true at the end.
For Examples…Snowball from George or well’s
Ø “ Animal Farm “ – Tome Jones also.
                4.The Star-Crossed Lovers.
Ø This is the young couple joined by love but unexpectedly parted by fate.
For Examples…William Shakespeare’s
“ Romeo and Juliet ”
Ø Another examples like….Heer-Ranjha, Tess and Angle.
5.The shrew.
Ø Some wife is always bettering her husband with verbal abuse.
For examples…. Kanthapura in taming of shrew.
6.Femme Fatale.
Ø Who is considered responsible for the fall of man.The Bible tell the story.
For Examples…. Draupadi is responsible Mahabharata.
Ø  Another is Seeta and Surparnakha
7.The Journey.
Ø The uintessential journey archetype in Western Culture is arguably Homer’s Oddyssey.

v Situation.
Ø Sometimes farrytale used a archetype and also gives very valuable.That is very basic human nature.
Ø “ Symbol is repeatation of one object ”.
1.The Task.
The Task is very heavy.A situation in which a character is driven to complete some duty of monstrous proportion.
Ø For examples...J.R.R Tolkein’s “ The Lord of the Ring”.
Ø Arjuna Savitri – How they try to fulfill.
2. The Quest.
The characters are searching for something, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Ø Christian’s quest for salvation in John Bunyan’s…
“ The Pilgrim’s Progress ”.
          3.The Loss of innocence.
It is a kind of recurrent pattern. This is, as the name implies, a  loss of innocence through sexual experience , or any other means.
Ø For Example Tom, Moll, Tess.
          Water is a symbol of life. Waterfall the river is very important.Christian also uses the idea of death and rebirth creation, purification.
Sea / Ocean The mother of all life, timeless and eternity.
           Death and rebirth it is also shows transitional phases of the life cycle.
             Spiritual Guru finds Sun.Sun is also crate energy.
              There are two types of Sun like….
            1.Rising Sun  - It also include birth and creation.
            2.Setting Sun – Include death.
Ø Red Colour – blood, Symbol of Love.
Ø Green Colour – growth , also symbol of hope.
Ø Blue – secure, Spiritual purity.
Ø Black – darkness, death , wisdom.
Ø White – purity, timelessness, light.
v Coclusion.
Thus archetypal criticism deals with Myth and Rules and Regulations and also deals with old age.Archetypal Criticism also include various season’s and symbols of nature thus we can say that Archetypal Criticism is depend on Nature. Archetypal Criticism is criticized season’s and symbol so we can say that archetypal criticism is one type of critical theory.



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